If you are done with your bowls then you need to start on the firm slab.
Glaze is out - remember if you get a project you need to grade it asap!!!
remember that the bowls are like 'Tom's shoes' one for them - one for you, thus it would be great if you make at least two soft slab bowls.
If you are done with your bowls then you need to start on the firm slab. Glaze is out - remember if you get a project you need to grade it asap!!!
you need to write a paragraph about it and then show it to me RIGHT AWAY!
check out the glazes as they come out.
I will run a glaze kiln tonight A bisque kiln will run on Friday - you'll get those after break and then you can glaze them. All first projects should be glazed no later than the first week after break. All advanced soup bowls and tall projects should be finished and blogged about also that first week after break. If you have something for the bisque kiln let's put it back there now!
Soft slabs on Monday - that will be our chance to make a bowl for the Empty Bowl project as well as a project for ourselves. Glazing demo on Tuesday. The fun continues! NOTICE TO ADVANCED STUDENTS -
all batts, buckets, tools must be put away clean at the end of the period. You've no one to blame but yourselfes and stuff has not been put away. It is not the other classes fault. Pick up at the end of class. New(bes) I'll be doing a coil project demo today at the beginning of class. Let's look over the job chart and discuss the jobs.
Let's talk about the class expectations a little bit more. what do I do if I've finished the pinch pot? what is the bowl thing all about ? - the empty bowl project How do I dry a project?
How do I keep a project from drying out over the week-end? What do I do with a project I just started on Friday? How do I mangae a shorter period of time? Where do the tools go and what are they used for anyway? What tools go by the sink and what goes up front? let's look in the FAQs At ten mins before the bell I will:
Wash my tools in the bucket in the sink with a sponge and put them back with their kind - in the right place clean. Adv. - I will clean my tools at my wheel. I will not let the ring fill with water. Then I will clean the ring in the large bucket, next my throwing bucket. I will not stack it when I put it away, or it will stick - suction! I will not foot before I have cleaned my batt and put it away. I will wash the sides of the wheel and the one beside me that I may have splashed. I will make sure the floor around me is clean. I will note what I did today so I can blog about it. A quick picture is good. Then, and only then will I wash myself. New(bies) keep in mind that the same procedures go for you. Tools, area, floor and finally self. NO ONE should stand by the door Review questions - what are the possible projects we can make while pinching for this lesson?
Why do we wedge? How do we attach two pieces of clay? New - what are the stages of drying? What happens in firing? |
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April 2012
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