check the lessons page for how to do this
examples of pinch pots
All projects directions are posted on the demos/lessons tab, if you are not in class.
check the lessons page for how to do this examples of pinch pots
Yay - a new semester in Ceramics! How to use the website to find out everything about the class.1/30/2012 We will learn lots of new skills in ceramics - but the first one is that we all need to clean up after our selves and then also go over the room. We each will get a job.
HOW TO CLEAN IN THE CERAMICS ROOM for these and other questions let's review the classroom covenant and the documents page tabs. step one - Turn in your packets
step one and a half - if a project is coming out we'll grade it right now. step two - clean and wash your lockers step three - empty all lockers and put all stuff on the tables Presentations will start very soon after the bell. Find your project and pay polite attention to our presenters!
The gas kiln is running and the last glazed pieces will be out tomorrow. There is work out today that we can grade after the presentations. It has been sorted by class number. If there is a project with no name on the base, and you have no notes it will not be graded. Packets due tomorrow when you walk in the door! Half credit for any done in class, no credit for late packets. Thursday final wash down - including floors! Friday we put the Two glaze kilns - electric & gas are running now - out tomorrow. Last glaze in Wednesday afternoon.1/24/2012 The glaze did not run last night so we have nothing to grade - SO, we'll finish cleaning. Also last day to put glaze on bisque or fix rejected projects. They are all on the table. Nothing should be left in the glaze room. Everyone should have their lockers just about emptied. Everyone see me for a job, BUT all surfaces need to washed. DO NOT waste your time re-washing things that are already clean like table tops... PLEASE DO NOT was windows. The wheels still need washing as do the large buckets, inside of cabinets, chairs, tools, some rings, batts, batt shelves, wire racks.... REMEMBER the point of washing is to get rid of dust. REMEMBER to get your work slip signed. Pd. four - advanced back room Pd. five - advanced kiln room Pd. six - advanced - empty trap bucket in drains beneath sinks. period six - two of you are sludging. Finals are today through Wednesday.
We will be doing the presentations on Wednesday according to the new exam schedule which has art on Wednesday. (Plus I know most were without power...) Today we will clean and glaze - the bisque is out. Tomorrow we will clean Wednesday - Presentations & Clean - ALL LOCKERS MUST BE EMPTIED - THEY WILL BE DUMPED OUT AND CLEANED ON THURSDAY. Thursday - Packets due when you come in - not accepted late and half credit if done in class. You may update work that has just come out of the glaze kiln if one was run the night before, however all glaze should be done by Wednesday. Pick up packet in class or find one on line link Today - Period Four NO WATER - just sweep and chip dried clay. Move wheels to sweep underneath them. period five - wash all batts buckets and rings, also batt shelf; wheels and chairs - empty standing water in large 'buckets' by plaster table. period six - continue washing wheels and chairs Glaze is out! Last bisque today. Make sure your name is on the base or you will never see it again!1/13/2012 We have clean up sheets - you need to account for your clean activities. It will be signed at the end of each period and turned in at the end of the semester.
Footing only today - NO MORE WET CLAY! Make sure you have your packets in on the 18. I will not take them late and they are a big part of your grade. YOU MUST PRINT OFF YOUR OWN SKYWARD REPORT FOR FULL CREDIT. I WILL NOT DO IT FOR YOU. GO TO THE LIBRARY. Advanced students will present on Tuesday the 17. When they are done we will clean. If you are advanced make sure your final draft is on line on Tuesday and you have a gallery that you can present from. SEE ME if you have questions. This is a big part of your grade. The bisque will be unloaded pd. four.
I will run a glaze kiln tonight. Next and LAST bisque kiln will be run Friday. Last two days!!!!! Get a-goin' NOW
ADVANCED make sure your out line is on line Final draft by Thursday - present on Tuesday the 17 I'll make the presentation today. Glaze is out but hot for period
Ms. HeidemanMaster of Fine Art! Archives
April 2012
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